On-chain is the next online. A phrase recently made popular by @jessepollak of @coinbase , but what does it mean.

08 Nov 2023, 17:11
On-chain is the next online! A phrase recently made popular by @jessepollak of @coinbase , but what does it mean? In the early days of the Internet, people were introduced to a variety of new tools that unlocked unprecedented opportunities and leverage, for individuals all over…

Same news in other sources

08 Nov 2023, 17:13
To get started, create a DeSo Wallet in just a few simple and easy steps below! 👉🏼 We hope to see you on-chain! 💙
To get started, create a DeSo Wallet in just a few simple and easy steps below. We hope to see you on-chain.
To get started, create a DeSo Wallet in just a few simple and easy steps below! 👉🏼 https://t.co/dJNi1XT8Nu We hope to see you on-chain! 💙